Bee referrals

Lochario any kind souls i just want atleast 1 bee <3

Would love a referral code is Darn

Thanks in advance!

My code - rysas
Will be returning the favor :slight_smile: Thanks!

Need them Bee’s! A referral would be much appreciated. Doc_Feels is the code.

Patr1ckk is my code. I referred you.

I would love some bees if anyone would be as so kind :slight_smile:

Code: LightwolfGrime

Hello all,

Loving this game! Will you please take my code and BEE me?

Code: Voivode

I need 1 more please :smiley:
Code: Jerict

Add me, and I will add back!
Code: Missjavagirl

Can get two more referals please?
Referral Code: Treasure

Can i have a referal pls? will add back!
Code: Zetsugekka


referral me pls

Thank you

Could I get 2 more referrals please : Selenys

code Zogu :slight_smile: ty

I can refer back
Code: Fakiri

get me in on this!
Referral Code: Timburrs

Code: Zangan Refer me please!


Quote from Forum/Discord:

"We have heard your concerns with the current Refer A Friend system implementation and will be temporarily disabling it.

Because we aren’t fans of letting a small issue ruin the fun for others, we will be granting everyone who owns a copy of Last Epoch all three of the bee pets."


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