Auto Pick Up?

So, Overall I’m enjoying the game but wish there was more build diversity and wish the maps or echos were longer. Overall a fun game.

My biggest gripe with the game so far is that crafting shards and glyphs are not auto-picked up like gold. Am I missing an option somewhere to turn this on?
with the amount of crafting items that drop it’s very tiresome to pick up everyone.


The devs want us to feel like they are meaningful, unlike gold, especially when some rares ones drops…
I disagree with their view, but i respect them anyway :slight_smile: The game atm still has a lot of bugs and issues regarding online characters, they’re better off fixing that first :slight_smile:

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Having returned to Grim Dawn until 1.0 drops, I have to say, the fact that crafting materials are auto-collected is a huge relief and provides a better flow to the game.

Despite what the devs feel, about the affix shards being ‘meaningful’, I fear that the player quickly becomes habituated to the ‘excitement’ (read as: ‘dopamine rush’) of affix shards dropping. It truly just becomes a frustration to deal with them, often becoming more convenient to simply ignore them late game.

Much like auto-collecting gold, it is both more convenient and more exciting, in my opinion, to walk through a large pile of gold/affix shards and roomba them up into your inventory.


To me it’s not even entirely about the flow of the game.

My hands legit hurt after playing the game so i cannot play as much as i want. PoE is aware of this issue (even tho they still have their dumb flask system) and has been trying to improve it recently.

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No offence you are new to the forums and whatnot but this is the same topic as another one from 5 days ago. The search function works pretty well because this top was discussed to oblivion already :smiley: .

Then again everyoneone who wants these items to picked up automaticly: You are not alone and a lot of people want it to picked up automaticly.

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I’m sorry, we just have too many of these threads already. Can we move this to one of those?