Auto pick-up everything

What about non-rare runes and glyphs and shards? This stuff is essentially currency and it all gets picked up anyway. Have it be an option that is off by default and turned on in the options.

You’d still have to click the ascendance and despair etc…but the rest should be picked up when you walk over it. Unlike most other items, there isn’t a decision whether it can be useful like there is with gear…it is simply useful.

Gold is already auto pickup and shards/glyphs/runes are AoE manual pickup.

Also auto picked up loot should automatically store itself in the crafting inventory if you have auto pickups enabled for runes/glyphs/shards.

Hell no ^^

Just add a Rule for the Loot filter for Autopickup and everyone would be Happy because Ppl can choose IF they want it, or not^^
Then no one is forced to use it.

Can we get a “pick up everything near me” button? It exists when using a controller essentially. All you do is just mash “x” on the Playstation controller and your character gobbles up everything near you one item at a time.

All I’m asking for is a similar function on keyboard.


Just imagined making two steps and “I am full”, “I am full”, “I am full”, “I am full”.

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