Are you serious? You made SET ITEM Lizards?

I ve so mixed feelings for LE…I really want to like the game, but there are some major issues (f.e. 85 % of all skills are crap, just look at the level leatherboard).

But THIS is an insult by you devs!!!
One of the Lizard is a Set Item Lizard?!?! Do you even play this game? NOBODY is using shitty set items. Since ages you did not improve them by adding Lp or so.
But now adding a Lizard like this??

I cant see a future for this game if you stuff like this.

How did this happen? One dev who never played this game came to his supervisor “I ve such a great and cool idea, lets implement a Lizard who drops set items!!!”

Supervisor dev was amazed by this idea and told all other devs to make that and nobody was telling them that this is absolute nonsense?

They’re like the rarest lizard, so you don’t actually see them that much.

Still shocked about the fact that they implemented them…

The rarest Lizard is the one with the most useless stuff to drop? weird logic

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I assume this is designed to be evergreen content, so whenever set items do become useful, the code’s already there and the lizards will not be as useless. They have said that they will look into set items in the future, so there’s hope that they may be useful, and having this might be worth something.


The big green lizards also always drop at least one Glyph of Envy and several exalted items. The set items are meant to be a bonus that matches the colour, rather than the main reward of that lizard type.

Set items are in a bad place in terms of balance and design. They’re largely underpowered and are dead end items with no way to upgrade them. We have plans to add a system in future that allows you to do more with them. But until that’s in, set item rewards are relatively unexciting, and we’re aware of that.


Appreciate your answer and explanation.
Still i dont understand this choice from a gamers view. We have purple lizards for exalt. And the extra Envy Glyph…dunno.
Why use resources and time for such things. PoE is coming with big steps, I think you really need to focus on other things and adding item lizards and minor QoL stuff.

  • So many skill & skill nodes are 0 competetive to LE “meta” builds. And meta should not mean that 9 out of 10 players play the same 2 builds. Just look at level ladder. Top 100, there are like 50 who play same falconer build. To less diversity.

There is so much potential in your characterization and itemization system. Each skill can be played in like 9 different ways. Where 8 of them are useless, barely can do corr 100.
Example? Why should someone ever take the skyfall node from healing hands…

If i would be in charge i would people pay just to play the game, every single class and skill and evalute which skills are useless, heavily underpowered and what they need to be fix.

Im not a dev, but cant image that it is too difficult from a technical side to change a 100% increased node to a 100 % more through a hotfix

You could make a significant change do d4 and even poe with douzens of cool and playable builds.

Imo not the only concerns i have with LE, but on of the major ones

I doubt adding the lizards took more then 1 hour of time. It’s just another enemy type which only runs from player. It ain’t serious.

I rather see such small stuff come out more often assuming it’s less then a few hours of work for 1 dev. At least it’s something to look forward to