Any official platform for feedback?

Hi all,

I had leveled one char to 80 before but cycle 1.1 is really the first time that I took a bit more time to appreciate the depth and nuances of Last Epoch. I understand that sometimes feedbacks in forums tend to focus a bit too heavily on the extreme goods and bads that led players to post in the first place.

I’m unfamiliar on the devs strategy behind feedback, so please if there’s an official platform that they use to measure how the playerbase feel I’d be glad if someone could point that out.


That would be the forum in Feedback and Suggestions

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If you post on the feedback category it’s very likely that the devs will at least hear about it. Mike and Kain sometimes post on the threads (though more rarely than pre 1.0), but I’m sure that they have at least some mod looking through the suggestions.

Overall the devs are very aware of the feedback from the community and at the very least you would also get some input or perpective on your feedback.

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Excellent, thanks for that. Other than the specific forum category, do they happen to send more structured surveys to gather information they are more directed interested in? Not only the game is still relatively new but they managed to implement tons of changes between cycle 1.0 and 1.1, it’s seem quite timely to for an initiative like that

So far the only relevant surveys they did since launch was about nerfing mid-league and about availability of endgame content for legacy.

As I said, the devs are usually very aware of the community feedback, especially on the big issues. Not just in the forums, but also on reddit and their discord.
That doesn’t mean they always follow it, though. They have their vision for the game and stick to it. But they do change their minds on things due to community feedback, like the recent adding of LP to the loot filter, which was always something they used to be adamant on not adding.

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