Another 'heres my opinion' thread and why im leaving

This game was supposed to be a much needed break from POE and D4 and instead its turning into a “I really hope D4 steps up so I can go back”

First and foremost; Performance. YIKES. I have a 4070ti, i9, 64gb ram and an NVME drive, playing on all low or off settings on 1080p and I still get FPS around 35-50 at certain times as well as my game literally stuttering when my wraithlord shoots or kills. (its not the system or something wrong with the PC, I run every other game in existence on 275+ frames.) It just sucks this games performance is so bad compared to the other aRPGs out there. I’ve heard from may sources its actually WORSE after 1.0 release as well.

We need WPs for Passives and idols if we skip. IDK how, maybe gated behind a dungeon completion or something but if we can skip (and are choosing to skip) we shouldn’t have to spend 1-2hrs just running and doing all passives and idols after power leveling. Counterintuitive to some extent it seems.

The search options in the market are way too limited. That whole system needs to be fully fleshed out and optimized. Minimum tier applies to all filters? lul K.

Nerfing power leveling? I mean its like the game is already easy and power leveling still exists so why “fix” the arena method of Plvl. Huge part of aRPGs are alts and trying new builds and when I saw how easy it was compared to poe to boost and try new chars I was stoked. Now you’re just moving closer to POE which is just boring for those of us who Choose to skip and speed it up. Its not an MMO, leveling is not fun for us after the first time around lmao.

For a game that has been out for 5 years and many competitors I really hope the Devs would have been more prepared for this launch.

Its been so much fun and ill dabble again soon I’m sure but sadly too many small things add up to make it not worth playing.

I really do hope y’all fix performance issues and increase QOL.


Have you read this?

That depends on your preference, some do, some don’t, it’s not a generic thing that everyone feels the same about. Personally I prefer levelling & get bored some time during normal monos.

Yeah, the PoE search works so much better.

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I’m pretty sure he was referring to everything he is describing but the first days connectivity issues. I can say that because he mentions everything but that. Literally “just read”.

At the moment? It definitely does. I’m sure (and hope) that ehg is going improve it soon tho.

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My 6-7 years-old PC: GeForce GTX 1080, i7-7700K, 16GB RAM.

I play LE at 2560x1440 with middle settings. I only play offline and rarely have any major performance issues. Before 1.0, I never had performance issues, but have a few now because of the graphics upgrades in the game, but nothing that would turn me away from it.

Just adding a data point for comparison.

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Poe new league is out next week, who cares

I already burned out on this game 2 weeks ago. No proper end game content. 30% of the game is bugged, Ward is vastly overtuned. Balance is terrible

Same shit from years ago…

Also my PSU on my PC strangely died after playing nothing but LE for a few weeks after having the PC less than 3 years so im blaming LE

Absolutely. I’ll be the first in line to shit on how POE does trade, but the actual search features are divine. Putting LE’s trade search up against POE’s trade search is like putting a Coke bottle up against your grandfather’s rifle collection.

Instant buy is far superior than poe tho. The best of the 2 worlds is ideal and possible.

The current le trading search is an absolute joke with no features.


This game was supposed to be it’s own thing. It’s not here to compliment Path of Exile or Diablo 4. That’s an expectation you put on it, not one which is inherently intended.

Yes, it’s a known issue. Performance has improved with 1.0 but it’s still a bit bothersome, especially on certain map tiles and certain enemy abilities.

Eh, Path of Exile can have absolutely atrocious performance, to the point where it’s nigh unplayable depending on the league or the mob density.

The people who claim this probably haven’t adjusted their graphical settings for 1.0, since the game has become more graphically intense, but better performing if you adjust your settings to match the visuals you had before.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you do all dungeon skips and end up in act 9, don’t you just have to do a few side quests in that act as you’re unlocking Majasa to get full passives and idols? This is a solved issue, you just have to actually play the game ever-so-slightly.

Also what is WPs in this context? Waypoints?

The market wasn’t even intended to exist, but the reaction EHG got from the forums pushed them to making the current faction system we have today. EHG has no intention of making just sitting and buying gear the best method to gain power.

I don’t really mind the different stalls for each item type, makes the bazaar feel more dynamic and alive in the world, even if it’s only an illusion. The search functions can always be improved, and again, this is the first cycle and many changes and QoL updates will come later.

Saying “That whole system needs to be fully fleshed out and optimized.” isn’t really helpful, since it doesn’t actually tell EHG anything beyond that you’re not satisfied with the current system.

If you’re someone who relies on being power leveled than maybe this game isn’t for you. EHG wants you to go out and actually play their game, not game the system like in Diablo 3.

I always thought power leveling was sort of a shitty symptom of an over-gamed ARPG.

It takes an hour or two to get your mastery unlocked, and at that point you can run dungeons to skip quest content and even run monoliths, even if you’re underleveled. It’s fairly easy to gain levels in Last Epoch while actually participating in the game.

Online mode has been out for about a year, and their top concurrent prior was about 45,000. They were able to get over 200,000 concurrents playing within 48 hours of launch. The issue at launch wasn’t even server related, it was an API container failing, something you can’t really predict until it happens.

As someone who plays mostly on online servers currently, I haven’t really had any issues after the first 2 or 3 days. My ms ping is fine, I load into zones quickly, I haven’t had a crash.

I’m not saying other people aren’t having these issues, just that EHG can’t really prepare for everything when it’s not really a predictable, documented problem.

Also saying “many competitors” when it only really has like 4 or so is funny. Diablo 4 kinda, but it’s more so competing with Lost Ark. Path of Exile, sure, but typically PoE players enjoy both titles. Grim Dawn? I’ll give you that, but that’s an even older game than LE and entirely offline/single player. Torchlight Infinite? More so competes with PoE, but whatever.

We’ve gotten a handful of good ARPGs recently, but that doesn’t mean the market is ripe with high levels of competition. Most ARPG players own at least 2 or 3 of the titles listed above, so not really competing, more so cooperating.

Not every game needs to be your “forever game”. You got a hundred or so hours of fun out of a $35 title, great. Come back in a year to see what’s new.

Yep. I enjoy leveling alts, it lets me directly feel the power-progression in skills I’m creating builds around.

He never mentioned one thing or another, but he mentioned “launch” and so it’s fair to assume he’s referring to the problems at launch.

Fair. Have you adjusted your graphical settings, since some settings are now more intensive visually and performative, than they were prior to launch?

Ok bye, have fun. You don’t need to announce your temporary departure.

Burned out two weeks ago and yet you’re still here, complaining? Go have fun in another video game, my guy. Also there is a proper end-game, it’s just not as intense and bloated as other titles currently available. Next cycle is adding onto endgame, so maybe come back then.

Also 30% of the game is not bugged, even if you’re just exaggerating. A few skills are bugged and some interactions are weird, but the game deserves it’s 1.0 release claim. Ward is overtuned, yep. This is adjusted next cycle I can only assume. Ignoring Ward and the two new masteries introduced into 1.0, most forms of balance are fine. Forge Guard needs love and Healing Hands, a brand new skill, is overtuned, but most other things are great.

Prior to 1.0 and Ward-focused builds the sign of a great build was 500 corruption. Balance was based around that.

How unhelpful.

Sounds like you have a faulty PSU and are somehow blaming this game, which is baffling.


He did, read above. All the problems he encountered refer to the launch of the game. It is quite clear.

I don’t understand why these server issues at game launch make everyone so insecure. It’s a very normal thing. It has always happened and will happen again to other games.

+1 to this.

If you can’t play a game without needing it to be strictly better than other, similar games that you’re mad at, nobody wants to hear from you.

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I get your frustration but POE has been around a lot longer than this so at least cut some slack.

I’m hopeful this game goes in a different direction from the rest because otherwise there is no point of being a slightly different shade of grey in a genre that refuses to do anything new.

Also sorry to hear about your PC. that f-ing sucks man.

I don’t get the need to write treads like these. If you don’t like the game leave a bad review and go, why try to make the devs or last epoch enjoyers feel bad. You already bought the game and support the development of this game.


Isn’t this outside the game itself → some site online ? or have I forgotten

Certain classes have “overtuned” ward generation.

Which is why you need to farm faction rank and favour. Adding an additional crap UI on top is unnecessary.

It takes a few minutes to get to the first town then a lift to the end of time.

Yeah, that’s just Shrukn, don’t worry about him.


It is, but the UI and functionality is significantly better.

Pretty sure the point of leaving thread like this in the “feedback and suggestions” part of the forum is to leave feedback and/or suggestions.

I don’t always agree, personally. I find it annoying though that I keep coming across people shaming people for leaving feedback in a feedback section of the forum.

-I keep thinking of posting feedback myself but (and I should stop it!) I keep not doing so because of all the shaming-response posts. As if the feedback is meant for other players!

Let people give feedback and let the powers that be do with it what they will. Take “shaming for having an opinion” over to general discussion, etc.

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I not shaming nobody, but this post was not made to give creative feedback or any suggestions if it was I can’t find it in the the post.

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There used to be a third party one. There is now an official one. But yes, both of them are outside of the game.

You can’t be serious.

Most probably because those who take the time to speak their mind, make a criticism and sometimes even give advice about the game are not doing it to make the developers feel bad. It’s because they like the game and hope it will improve.

It is fundamentally wrong to assume that criticism stems from the malice of the person making it.

No game is perfect, even if you love the developers.

This attitude of revulsion towards those who are not fully satisfied with the game is detrimental to the game itself and to the community that orbits around it. The sooner you realise this fact, the sooner the game can improve considerably because it is supported by a mature and objective fanbase.