An extremely bad sign for the future.. shame on the Devs

I’ve spent about 1/2 of my time today exiting and reloading Last Epoch because my Sigils of Hope keep bugging and causing an invincibility/no damage error. The bug doesn’t reset on town portal or changing maps, you have to completely exit and reload the game.

  1. Now, normally this wouldn’t be such a bad sign, mistakes happen with games. I decided to google this bug and see if it was my computer or graphics card. Nope, it’s a bug they’ve known about for TWO YEARS. Two freaking years where the devs are aware of a bug that causes the game to be unplayable. Two years, a bunch of devs have been sitting around pocketing their crowdfunding. I enjoy this game but I’m not going to have some fantasy that this is more than a mild cash-grab between D4 and Poe2, of which obviously this games engine and capabilities won’t be competing. They are aware they have the niche of ARPG consumers here who will buy any ARPG that has decent polish.

  2. In addition to this, it’s a pretty bad sign for the game that there are still ‘targeted’ Uniques and items. Any decent person would’ve assumed they would remove the worst parts of Grim Dawn and choose to excel in those areas. When items are dropping in an Empowered Monolith for a new player, the player should have some level of excitement. But because the devs naively decided to keep this Target Farming part from Grim Dawn, you basically have zero excitement for your drops. And because of how legendary potential works, if you want to farm a 2-4 legendary potential target farmed item… you’ll basically be grinding the same Mono Areas for hundreds of hours instead of having any variety.

Based on my first point, they won’t be fixing #2. The people who enjoy Target Farming are a very small minority of vocal gamers. 95% of people do not enjoy sitting in the same area for 100 hours. It’s simply pretentious to apply these mechanics to new players.

There is also an interview with one of the LE devs on youtube that came out recently where they ‘leaked’ an update. The dev seemed listless and pretentious, and basically sneered when speaking about why trading won’t be an option (I could care less about trading so no I’m not salty). His attitude, and the fact he is the front of house of the LE devs says a lot about the game. He has his paycheck, why would he change his ways.

However you feel about this, a bug that breaks the game for 2 years is unacceptable. There’s a game called ‘Chronicon’ which has way more damage mechanics than LE, it has ONE SINGLE DEVELOPER, and no problems like this. Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen a bug like this in any game I’ve ever played. 2 years of the Devs knowing about it and sitting on their lards, embarrassing to say the least. The sad thing is, they have a great base for a game, but lost their motivation once that paycheck hit their hands.

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OK you are angry, we get it.

It is a beta game there is some bugs and they probably have a HUGE todo list. You know the last patch is 1 year old so if there is a bug it could be corrected next one maybe ? And maybe it wasn’t the priority next year. I get it it is frustating but calm down…

You dont have to target 2-4LP items to have a decent build. If you really want the ultimate build ofc you are going to do again and again the same boss… just like ANY arpg I know !!! I killed BAAL h24 for days in D2, i did the same with nonstop bounty or rifts in D3 ! And I dont know where to find your study that enable you to say the vast majority of LE players prefer not to have targeted items, can you provided or it is just bulshitted?

And then you judge a developper on a single 10 min video and then say the whole bunch of developper is shit? Let’s do the same for you, from what you wrote, i can guess you are someone with a really nice personnality, without anger problems, respectuous of others, and probably all your friend and family are the same.

It’s fascinating how different opinions can be.

MI’s (Monster Infrequent) are one of the coolest things in GD IMO.
(for everybody unfamiliar with Grim Dawn, the item system there is quite different compared to PoE or LE. Basically you have one Prefix and one suffix, but the base item can have a lot of stats already, similar to implicit ind LE and PoE. These MI’s are basically specific base types that can only drop from specific type of enemies, but have a quite high drops chance).


It really amazes me that a person can perform the mental gymnastics necessary to say “target farming is bad”.

You must be a very lovely person to be around if this is how you think about people in your day to day life.

Perhaps you should take your anger and use it for more productive things. Relentlessly attacking developers isn’t going to a bug fixed faster.

I don’t know, I got pretty excited when I dropped a 3LP arrowguard. Didn’t take me hundreds of hours.

Yes, that is absolutely all they have been doing. They have not been looking into it nor have they fixed (from memory) some of the causes of this particularly pernicious bug.

Why? Its a different design choice than certain other games (including PoE) but that doesn’t make it bad. This is a design choice, it doesn’t need fixing, you just don’t like it which is fair enough, I don’t like PoE’s crafting (or trade) but others do.

Don’t forget the sets that only drop from specific mobs.

He may just not like it, its his call and doesn’t necessarily need “mental gymnastics” given he didn’t say something that would conflict with that position.

Hello there, and welcome to the forums!

I’m sorry to hear about your experience. The “black circle overflow” bug has in fact been noted for a while, though it’s had different causes - many of which have been fixed. This is something I myself actually encountered and reported back before joining the team here! That specific case, with my feedback, was able to be identified and fixed, though as mentioned there is still a way to cause it.

We do get infrequent reports about this issue, however we’ve not been able to reproduce it internally, nor have any reports been able to find a way to reliably reproduce the issue (or at least reported a reproduction case) for us to reliably investigate.

All bugs are bugs we want to fix, however we also need to prioritize bugs. With this one in particular, it’s a bug which is rare to happen, and doesn’t currently have a known reproduction. This means to address it, we would need to pull apart any and all related code to try to identify where it could possibly be happening, taking an unknown number of hours (likely a lot with this approach) to correct for the rare cases where it comes up. When prioritized against other bugs, which have known reproduction/causes, effect larger number of players/occur frequently, and/or have a known time to fix, those need to be prioritized first. This is pretty normal in any sort of development work.

This is not in any way to diminish the poor experience caused by this bug, and It’s certainly unfortunate that this means some rare bugs like this can stick around for a while. But if you’re able to identify a way to reproduce the issue, and let us know that would help greatly to get this resolved sooner. It sounds like this was happening to you with some frequency, so it may be possible you could be the key to finding the cause! We’d be very happy to get a reproduction case for this so we can get it fixed.


I know Kain replied I want to add: I have personally sat for countless hours to try to reproduce that frustrating Sigil Of Hope bug internally and never could do it. I remember we did manage to find and plug a couple holes of how it could be triggered but we never found the root cause. It unfortunately can still be triggered somehow on your version of the game. All I can say is Eleventh Hour QA love the game just as much as the player base, we want to find and resolve bugs as fast as find them because we want your play experience to be the quality product we want to play ourselves.

I’m sorry for your frustration, and personally I feel your pain because it’s one of those bugs for me that is in the back of my mind that it’s lurking in the shadows. On a positive note, I haven’t seen bug pop up since our multiplayer integration on our end. We might have unexpectedly culled it. If it does happen to pop up again, it will be much easier to find the problem with how abilities are set up now.


Kudos to the Devs for the Epoch restraint they’ve shown with their replies.

Just wow. The one single thing on the internet that sets me off is someone trying to place intentions and motivations on someone/something they do not know at all. Strong criticism (constructively) is awesome but blame and intentions are just way out of line. You don’t work there. You don’t know their pipeline. Leave the vitriol at the door.

I’ve had this bug once. I’ve got almost 2k hours in it. It’s a beta. It’s a huge game, with a complicated engine behind it that I can’t even begin to fathom. They squash bugs all the time and will continue to do so.

If your frustration was truly born out of just frustration then I’d invite you to give it a chance. Play it a few days. Go back and read the patch notes for ALL of the bugs they have fixed.


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