So all of the build guides and sites suggest target farming “The Last Ruin” to target the Box of Hydrae, they are relatively common drops according to the build guides. Unless I am the most unlucky person on the planet, I’ve done 143 echo’s and I have seen a grand total of (1). I am not rushing the objective, I’m trying to gather as much stability as possible too, mostly clearing the echo. I am a relatively newish player, so if this isnt the right way, would appreciate any guidance.
It is not about how many echoes you do or how much you clear them.
Just to be clear, the target farming aspect from specific timelines comes from exclusive Echo Reward Nodes, that only spawn in these respective timelines.
There is no extra chance for random drops inside the echoes or such.
These Specific Unique/Set Item Echo Rewards are relatively rare, but there are two things that you can do to imrpove the chances of them spawning:
- The Depth of the Echo (how far away the echo is from the starting point)
- Corruption in this Timeline
So what yo uwant to do is, go as far outwards as possible in the echo web.
Echoes with rewards that don’t interest you can be completed as quickyl as possible, you don’t need to fill stability, just complete the objective. The sole purpose is to reach more echoes, more far out in the echo web.
Extra tip: If you come across Vessels (both Vessel of Memory and Vessel of Chaos), do not do them immediately.
Uncover more of the echo web and use them before you are about to reset the timeline with a Shade of Orobyss kill.
With the Vessels you can exponentially multiply your rewards from specific desired echo rewards.
I made a guide on this a while ago. I do think it is a bit overkill fo an Item like the one you are looking out for, but once you want to farm that item multiple times to have LP this will become mroe useful.
EDIT: Also you should try to do this on Empowered (Level 100) Monolith, as these nodes are very very rare on normal.
Thank you very much, this is was incredibly helpful, and thoughtful. I really appreciate it. Also, I am doing this in empowered. I think my current corruption is 189.
That is great, if your build can handle it I would suggest pushing a little bit more.
200-300 corruption is the sweetspot from difficulty vs rewards.
If you want to do the extra mile you could also farm Unique Drop Rate Blessing from Fall of the Outcast and Relic Drop Rate Blessing from Fall of the Empire.
Note, these Blessings would only work for the random drops and do not affect these Exclusive Timeline Rewards, but while you do regular Echoes you increase your chances of getting it as random drop. Also this will give you more Exalted Relics, which then will be usefull once you want to Legendary Craft.
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