Please consider changing the way it works. I have many Characters that i have at level 100 during different cycle leagues. I have around 1000 hours in this game now and i love it. but with the cycle reset i decided to start playing on Legacy where all the great loot I have accumulated is located. imagine my surprise when I go to level an alt with tons of twink leveling gear i have made many of which are 4LP items! and I cannot use any of it! It is all faction locked! even though i have around a 1000 hours played in this game lul! so sure normally you find an NPC in the first town with your alt so that you may join a faction but to my surprise there is none! as all my progress has been on cycle. so none of my twink gear i have spent so much time making is now usable and i have to level the campaign at snail pace! this seems a very bad thing to me and im sure many many others. I could imagine many ppl just quitting the game once finding this out. please change this.
Exactly! They said faction ranks are transfer to legacy, but they are not. I asked EHG_Mike about than on stream , he said this is a bug! But no1 cares, 2nd reset btw…
Check this out
They are, it’s just not automatic (which I personally disagree with).
thanks guys for assist but you may have read my post incorrectly.
my faction and favor has all transferred no problem. for my level 100 characters.
but when i try to level a NEW character i cannot join a faction without going through the story again. so i cannot wear any of my twink levelling gear as it all has the COF tag.
Alts have an option to join factions at the first town. So you should have no problem with this. It’s what I do with every single alt.
What might be the case is that maybe you haven’t played in legacy yet, so the game hasn’t logged some variables which were overlooked in the merge process.
Try to log to another alt and go to Maj’elka/observatory/bazaar and see if the faction NPCs then show up in the first town.
Sadly it didn’t work. the NPC was there for my level 100 char but when I re-logged onto alt and went to first town there was no one there. never mind i will just have to level with a slow alt char and in future this should be ok on next ones etc. thankyou for help
You can ask on chat for someone to give you a lift to observatory/bazaar (whichever faction you want). Usually someone will. If you can’t, just reply here and I’ll log to do it.
yep that worked, someone helped me straight away! thankyou for the help
Just glad your issue is solved. Have fun
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