Allow Players to Respec Their Mastery at a High Cost

The “grow a thicker skin”/“don’t be a dick” needs to apply to both sides of the argument, not just those who may feel as though they’re being “gate-kept”.

Whoever throws the first punch is in the wrong then? Agreeable?

I’m going to play the pedant card & say, maybe, maybe not. Depends on the circumstances. What if the person that “threw the first punch” was having a really bad day? What if the other person was goading them?

Goading is easy to spot, yeah? I mean, generally, I’d safely assume it was. So if that’s the first punch, we’re good and agree.

Bad days happen. No excuse to be a prick to someone else, online or not. Unless it is, in which case I’d like to be educated on how. Time for bed for my last shift. Later everyone! Have a pleasant day/night!

Nobody’s perfect (except the wife, obviously), if one can’t give people a bit of slack for snapping (or whatever) when they ideally wouldn’t, one is a hypocrit.

just my 2 cents real quick.
thats a dumb request from where i sit.
the most succesful mmo of all time wow doesnt even have that option
you cant be a holy priest then pop over to shadow preist then pop over to the third choice.
you have to make seperate characters to try all the choices available to all classes i think every rpg mmo i know of that is standard.
i dont see why last epoch should break from that mold.
when mp comes out power leveling here will be just like in d3 i would assume.
just my 2 cents
an how long have people played wow like that and millions still do

Since you can already fully respec Passives + Skill trees, the most characters you’ll ever need to make is 15 (once all the Masteries are completed). That’s it. 15 characters. You can make, for example, just 1 Marksman, and play literally 100 different builds on it by the Respeccing already present in the game.

The only thing you’ll never be able to do is make that Marksman a Bladedancer.

This is not true,. I had ele shaman as primary for raids with guild and I could easily switch this char to resto shaman for solo MM to random dung. It was switched with “one” click with change of items and skills on skill bars and passives.

People seem to have a different feeling when they have to pay for something up front or afterwards. Having to invest 2h to farm currency to respec is the same as respeccing and having to refarm XP for 2h to be in the same level again. The problem with the latter is, that you temporarily are weaker and have to rebuild your power.

People have very different ways of enjoying a game. LE imho is very easy to learn. There are so many sources of information ingame that help new players to inform themselves. Problem is that some player types somehow refuse reading help messages, ingame guides and tooltips. They pick a skill, play 5 minutes and then realise that it doesn’t work like they guessed from only the skills name.

You can read tooltips, skillnodes, passives and so on and get a very good picture of a class or mastery.

For example you get that Paladin is about fire and Lightning while Void Knight is about Void. Necro is about minions, Spellblade is a melee magician and Druid is about shape shifting.

It’s also a thing of replayability that you aren’t able to test every skill of a class within 15 minutes. If you want to discover different builds and playstyles you have to actually create them. Not just clicking a button an become a different class.

What annoys me is that people always want to speak for all the casual players and portrait them as dumb, uneducated or lazy. That’s not the case. Casual players don’t want and don’t need to have a baby mode game. They might not get as deep into the mechanics as a hardcore gamer or have less time.

But that doesn’t mean that casual players only can enjoy LE when it has 0 respec penalty or they can face roll the whole game without the need to learn and adapt to the game mechanics and systems.


So true. I was there for that and it dropped into the void as soon as we found out there was only 3 acts to play, over and over and piety dom runs

How is giving me a high cost option to respec impacting your experience with the game? If you don’t want to use the option then don’t use it but why shouldn’t I have it?

This isn’t true at all. The cost of rolling a new character leveling it all the way up and redoing all of the end game content is hardly the same as what it should cost me to respec.

Please, read the post by Mike (the developer) above. That is how they see their game where mastery choice is permanent.

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Was about to post something similar.

I very highly suggest to read though my previous post in this very thread.

I pointed out in detail, why a system like mastery respec would impact players, that even don’t intend to use it.

I even explained, that this is the exact reason, why I am so heavily against it, because it would impact me.

If you have leveled a character all the way up and done all the endgame content, the inspiration that you don’t like the class mechanics because of the lack of information, comes a bit too late, imho.

You realise this earlier, before putting 50h into this game.

Yes, it’s sad when you start new, level up to lvl 30 and then are certain that maybe Marksman is not the class you expected. This hurts. But being able to respec instantly and change masteries, makes the decision of your mastery absolutely meaningless.

What would you consider a high cost fee that is reasonable for people to be able to swap masteries? If it is relatively high you will still need to play that tedious class you don’t like, until you have farmed enough currency to swap. The fee must be high enough so high level players cannot swap masteries every 2 days because of their farming performance. But this makes it too high for ‘casual’ players. Make it affordable for casuals and you will see hardcore players swapping masteries at will.

There could be a lock like only allow a switch every 30 days. But again this would not help the new ‘casual’ player that just realised that his mastery doesn’t fit his expectations. Why would he want to wait or go on farming currency?

Often people say “this is a game, I want to play like I want. Just give me the choice to do so. If you don’t want to, feel free to skip.” But this isn’t how games work. Games have rule sets that they are designed around. They work as long as the people playing them follow these rules. It’s not possible that people can just choose to obey rules they like and skip rules they don’t like.

In the great big picture of the game devs the exact rule that your mastery choice is permanent is an important rule in the whole set of rules that defines the gaming experience. It’s an important design pillar. And I’d argue that at least it draws as many people into the game as it eventually drives off.


I can totally agree with that. But we are on a forum. The only way to communicate is via text. We get nothing from body language, tone, etc which is pretty critical for discerning a person’s state, meaning, etc.

I agree with you, Llama. but in this forum, it simply does not apply in the same way. There is no way to do so. We read, and we discern what we think they mean. If it comes off rude, or ‘snappy’, then it’s difficult to say ‘maybe this person is having a bad day.’

Also, if one did just ignore a rude/snappy post, then among the others on this forum, the social stigma of being a push over or whatever is there. Doesn’t affect everyone the same, but it’s there. Rough situation. Hmm…

No worries, you’re following the typical forum behavior :slight_smile:

Hmmm. Now I agree with both Heavy. It just feels… strange to agree with both. Like its conflicting or something. It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch, or something like that. Thick hide though, right? Have a thick hide, or you likely won’t feel welcome to the forums. Maybe that should be a sticky for new players to read first.

Im not trying to crap over these, I’m just showing my perspective. It’s been rather difficult tbh. Been learning a bit lol.

I’ll make it short this time: Not at release or soon after release! Maybe with an expension in some years but for now play the damn game ffs!

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Yeah @Irrelevant, tell’m!

Usually I read a thread completely before I add anything, just … some days it’s too much for me.
→ Then I at least point it out. :wink:

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