Finally at end game and loving how different it is My one concern right now is that I seem to be having a recurring issue with loot from the chest after a monolith run. Sometimes, when a unique item drops it doesn’t give me the ground item tooltip name and is not clickable. When closely looking at it, it almost seems like there are multiple items kinda ‘bunched’ into one like a glitch and it always seems to be a big, 2handed Mace that gives me the problem.
there is a bug that the devs know about with uniques falling through the floor or not giving a tooltip and being unable to be picked up - it could be this…
Incorrectly configurated Loot filters can sometimes mess this up - have you tried to disable your loot filter to see if this causes it.
the Z button toggles being able to pick things up or not… Maybe you clicked it by mistake.
The bunching is how LE shows the gound items when there are lots of them from a chest… Doubt that has anything to do with the issue…
I did manage to remember a bit after posting that I JUST started using a loot filter. After pressing Z several times I finally decided to post my question and then realized my folly afterward – so yeah, it was the loot filter (facepalming hard on this one).
No issue here, my apologies and thanks @vapourfire for the response!