Add A Respec All Button To Passive Respecs

Please and thank you.

Cannot recall where I read it right now but unless I was smoking my socks at the time, the devs hinted that they are gonna add this sometime. It was an aside statement in another discussion regarding the irritation of manually respecing with all the confirmations.

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You’re not going crazy. The dev’s continue to go back and forth on this passive respec button. Below are two of the most recent dev streams where it’s been discussed:

The latest one being from the May 5th, 2023 dev stream where it again gets confirmed that’s it’s not coming:

So we know the button exists in the dev client, that it’d be easy enough to implement, and that people obviously want said button but every time it gets brought up in a game design meeting it gets turned down, unfortunately. :cry:

One day…maybe.


Why? What’s the point of adding more clicks just for the sake of more clicks?

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Sometimes, people do things, only for sadism…


just some sort of respec mode, like the one there already is for skill trees, would be the best IMO.

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