About Glancing Blows

Oh yeah, I believe the same.
The issue is made worse with the fact that GB is actually very easy to cap. You can get 100% from 2 idol slots & a monolith glyph.
This begs the question - why does it even exist if everyone maxes it with no problem?

You could say the same about resists in PoE.

I think rethinking damage, mechanics and defences is a good idea though since the players hp feels too binary in most cases (dead or alive with very little in between).

(Defensive) power creep. Glancing blow was implemented at some point in the past (as an affix tax apparently), but either people decided the suffix took up too many slots, so they introduced the prefix. Then someone probably said “wouldn’t it be cool if you could get glancing blow as a blessing” when they were coming up with the blessings.

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PoE has Chaos res, which most avoid. Elemental Resistance can be painful to cap in PoE as you need 113% resistance to avoid elemental weakness curse on maps and now theres stronger map mods meaning you need even more or risk periods of having 45/75% resist which WILL kill you

I gave feedback months ago about this game that GB would be removed eventually, im surprised it still hasnt

Thats not true, specially after incursion league.

Well, lets make glancing blows harder to cap then.

Have to be careful here because majority of the players do ignore it.
Although I played it and published builds with a few hundred pages of replies in the forums - nobody squeeked anything about chaos resist, neither I even thought about thinking of thinking about chaos resist.

I think removing is going overboard already - maybe just balance it so people won’t get a guaranteed halving of incoming damage with little to no investment or make it so players cannot have 100% of it.

Yeah, the defensive power creep is quite nuts in this game.
I have in total 5 affixes on my character which have offensive stats - rest are purely defensive as it’s simply the most effective way of playing.
Even my weapon is for resists only, the minion damage is nominal and borderline for aesthetic reasons as I have fire spell minions.


I think minion builds are a separate category though. I wonder how much damage a caster (or melee) could put out with no damage affixes on their gear, and I include +attributes in that as well, not just increased damage or crit chance. The implicit Adaptive spell damage & melee damage on weapons are quite powerful, plus you’d get a decent amount of “increased” (& “more”) from skills and passives.

A challenge for @boardman21, @LizardIRL , @Tibone et al I think! How much damage can you do get from a build with just the implicit flat damage modifiers & skills/passives, no damage modifiers on gear.

Millions. Wandering spirits + plague staff. Gg

I disagree on the basis of my own experience and I’m not an expert on other builds.
Looking at my old Void Knight build from a year ago I see the same story being played out.

The damage modifiers which were on rings / amulet a year ago are now on my chest and helmet.

The character construction department seems to be most efficient on the 80/20 defensive/offensive division on both cases when it comes to itemization.
But again, I haven’t looked at other builds properly - maybe I’m wrong.

Yeah, no. That’s got damage affixes on it. I did literally mean no damage affixes. That means no Plague Bearer.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just curious to see how far the best players can get with 0 offensive affixes (including those on uniques Boardman!). I’m even willing to put my hand in my pocket if they can put together a decent build (assuming they have no allergies & are ok pm’ing me an address for a delivery).

I have many 100’s in PoE and almost all of them have -40% chaos. My Chieftain in Harvest has capped Chaos cos the crafting was broken but usually I just avoid it as I know what does chaos and its not that lethal

My biggest fear in PoE is dead bodies as ive died many times at 99 to detonate dead

Also another thing regarding GB - its too powerful on a Beastmaster with Aspect of the Boar, giving you 50%+30%. Pair that with high dodge (78%) and recovery from Maelstrom and 1.6kHP+ and you facetank Hargon in 90 zone with 5% void resistance

Plague bearer has damage affixes? Pretty sure only ailment chances are on it. I think by your definition of no added increased damage plague bearer fits.

plague doesnt give % increased damage other than ailment chance which is not a damage increase

Maybe I wasn’t clear, but I would consider chance to poison, chance to plague & increased plague effect damage affixes.

Ok then one wear nothing. All empty slots. I run a low life build. Wandering spirits with reaper form then punch death seal to get increased poison chance for my spirits for missing health. Add in spirit plague for its massive bleed. Passives for more poison and bleed. Transplant for detonation. Boom easy 100k dot damage build. No items necessarily. Survivabilty questionable

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I think only poison can get this high aside from spirits and death seal. I would say mage can still do in the thousands and even Sentinel could do almost as much unless going spell then still in the same boat. if i have an empty sorc staff that is a guaranteed at least 1k+ there. you really only need one damage affix on your weapon and that is to push high content the rest is defensive on your gear. now can you do insane amounts of damage at the sacrifice of some survivability sure. Let me know if this didn’t answer your question Well @Llama8 I literally just rolled out of bed and need my coffee.

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Probably close enough for government work.

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Awesome <3

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