A suggestion regarding Mana, Mana Regen, and Diversity for High-Cost Builds

It’s called “burst” because it isn’t meant to be continuous. I don’t understand your use of the word “suffer” given that context.

I meant that burst suffers from the cooldown issue and continuous does not.

That’s only partially true. If you have 100 Mana and a skill that costs 60, you can cast it twice. If you have 110 mana, you can cast it twice.

You need at least a certain amount of additional mana before it really works out to grand an additional cast. And on top of it, to have that additional cast you need to reg longer to get full again. So you don’t have any dps increase in the long run. Just a better burst at the cost of a longer preperation. That’s not a valuable tradeoff for investing into mana imho.

To make this mechanic save your life you need to keep your mana. Oom = no benefit.

Mana Strike is a cool skill that works very well when build around it. But as it scales with spelldamage and your Spellblade mainly revolves around melee damage, there are near to no synergies with a “real” spellblade.

Additional suggestion for focus:

Add a node that converts focus from a channeling skill into a buff, that applies on your character for x seconds on use and let’s you still move but halves effectiveness of the mana reg. The buff expires after its duration or if you use another skill while active.

This would make focus more viable for fast agile builds that rely on movement very much.

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Unless I’ve missed something, Mana Strike has the melee tag & the only nodes that relate to spells are Rune Sap (global spell damage per enemies hit), Mana Storm (casts a Lightning spell) & Spark Charges (also casts a lightning spell), it also has 2 nodes that buff your attack speed (Swift Sap & Explosive Flurry, though for the latter you need to take Mana Storm which will reduce the net mana you get). I don’t think that’s too unreasonable for a base class that has both spell & melee masteries, I also really wouldn’t call it a skill that scales with spell damage.

Apart from being able to run around, I really don’t think that would be particularly useful.

Yeah, that’s exactly what it is for…

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You’re right in the melee tag and I was mistaken

So regarding mana strike, mana regen isn’t an issue.

I’ll surrender this time. (only this time :face_with_monocle:)

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And as a worthy opponent you may leave the field with your weapons…

Getting back to your suggestion of a new node for Focus. Would it be bad if it could be cast as a buff for X seconds with half the benefit (as you suggested) but allowing you to use skills while it’s up? Maybe give it a cooldown as well so you’re not always at 2-3 times the normal regen?

A very detailed system! I do like the idea of mana regen being based on maximum mana, I feel health regen should work this way as well and I also believe your maximum mana should increase per level and you should get more mana per point of int and more health per point of vitality. That’s all I have to add here. Good work!


Good post, but I see an issue with mana regen being linked to mana increase because of the way mana works in the game (being able to cast a 30 mana spell with only 10 mana). You only need 1 mana to cast a spell no matter the cost and that’s why (I believe) mana and mana regen are seperate because else it would be too powerful.

If I have an Erasing Strike/Meteor/Glacier build right now I have to choose between more initial casts (mana) or being able to cast faster after the burst(regen). If mana and mana regen are tied together this becomes (possibly) the best stat to stack and it’ll be really hard to balance non-high mana builds to be competitive without nerfing those builds or changes.

I’ll take my VK as an example. He’s 74 and uses Erasing Strike to damage stuff, using Lunge for a crit buff. Erasing Strike costs 56 mana and he has a manapool of 127 and a regen of 10/s. With your proposed system (10 + [.04 x 127]) x 1.8) we come at 27/s regen.

We’re going to use Rive when we’re out of mana, giving 4 mana with it’s first two strikes and 16 with it’s last. Fortunately for this example my attack rate hovers at about 1/s.

Lets assume that I strike whenever I have mana.
So right now we can do 3 Erasing Strikes (40k avg damage) to end up with -41mana. I can do another strike from 1 mana, so I do one full Rive (10k avg damage) to get to that treshhold. On average Every 3 seconds I have enough mana to strike. Calculating that Rive does 10k and ES 40k DPS, roughly 1260k damage over a minute.

With your system:
3 Strikes at -41 mana we can ES far more often resulting in 1500k damage per minute.

Now if we gain 50 mana in the current system, only our initial burst DPS increases. Our damage goes up 3% (1300k/m). This will show in our clearspeed) but boss-dps it’ll be far less noticeable.

In the proposed system, if we gain 50 mana our regen becomes 30/s and our damage goes to 1760k/m, that’s a 17% increase. Now considering the original manapool is 127 we can assume that getting 50 mana is a hefty investment. But not all classes I feel are designed to use mana the same way. Maybe I’m missing something here (it’s 5am writing this lol) but I fear that it woudl result in highburst skills becoming the meta.

1760k damage per minute isn’t that high, it is only 29k per second, keep in mind deaths oath is able to hit those numbers on every single hit and aura of decay utterly eclipses it.

Keep in mind that even if bursty builds ended up at twice the dps as builds that can constantly attack, they still would not be the only meta pick because you actually need to wait a little bit, and waiting even a second to clear a pack means you are clearing slower than the very top clearing builds(like the aforementioned aura of decay).

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