A question regarding Corruption Catch up

me and my friend are playing on 2 new chars (not 1st for me but 1st toon for her) , we increased corruption in 1 timeline from 100 to 130 for her and from 100 to 145 for me , but when we go to another timeline in order to progress on the harbinger questline , i have a shade echo to insta increase corruption but she doesnt… i’m not sure how it works , but whats the deal and what should we do? ( i double checked she has 1 timeline at 130 corruption for sure)

Shade will only increase the corruption on the person’s timeline that is running it. That is, if you’re running the echo, it will increase 95% of your max corruption. Meaning it should be around a 41 jump for you.
If you want to increase her corruption, then she has to run her own shade, which should bring her to around 127-128.

This is more useful when you have one timeline at 200 or 300 or even more, since the gain is much bigger.

we killed the shade twice , in my timeline and in hers , she has a timeline at 130 i doublt checked, then why on another timeline i do have an echo shade and she doesnt?

That seems like a bug. I don’t think there’s a lower limit for the corruption catchup. And if there was, a shade echo wouldn’t spawn on her web.
Try using the in-game bug report tool since that sends a bunch of game data for the devs. Maybe it’s better if she does the report, since hers was the corruption that didn’t raise.

Sometimes multiplayer has some quirks which the devs haven’t fixed yet, and the catchup mechanic is recent, so there might be something not working properly.

I don’t think that’s a bug.
Since 1.1.3 there’s this:

If their friend is on a completely new character, then her highest corruption must be the one they’re currently doing, so no shade for her.

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Well, if it only shows up over 40, it would still be a bug because apparently the shade echo spawned at the start of another timeline, which it shouldn’t.
At least that’s what I gathered from the OP.

That’s exactly how it’s intented… It’s supposed to appear the moment you fit that criteria (i.e: clearing an echo while having a 40+ difference from the highest corruption) no matter where in the web they are. I’ve had some shades showing up right in the second echo on the web because of that.
See, his higher corruption is 145, hers is 130. So he fits the criteria and she doesn’t while doing a 100C.
So in a 100C timeline, he’ll get Shade the moment he clears a single echo.

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Yes, but he said they both did a shade in each of their timelines. So if she only has 137 corruption, a shade shouldn’t spawn in her web.

Yes, that’s what’s he’s describing…
Since her highest corruption is 137, it doesn’t meet the requirement of 40+ difference from highest corruption for the instant Shade spawn.

I’m not sure I’m being clear, but the quoted part from patch notes is very much self explanatory. :sweat_smile:

I suppose he’s referring to doing a normal shade that appeared after they delve enough in the timeline, not the instant one he NOW has on a new timeline.


I went back and re-read the OP. It was my mistake. I thought he said she did a spawned shade as well and didn’t get corruption.
The OP’s issue is simply that it doesn’t show, which you’ve covered already. So it was my misundertanding only.
No bug, working as designed.

so if i understand correctly she needs to increase her timeline’s corruption to at least 140 in order to spawn a shade echo on a diffrent timeline? (a brand new timeline 100 corruption)?

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Yes. Basically, the timeline you’re currently doing has to be at least 40 corruption below your max corruption in any timeline for the shade to spawn at the start.

alright , big thx for the help guys! rock on