A long list of small improvements i would like to see in LE

My Person:

  • played POE, D3, GrimDawn, Torchlight
  • 240 hours into LE
  • 2 Chars Lvl 100 ~300 Corruption, T4 Bosses partially done

Mono Rewards:

Gold-Nodes → More!! Scale the Reward with Item Rarity
Experience-Nodes → Make it a dropable, consumable and maybe tradeable Item. Should give EXP based on Char-Level.
Rare-XXX-Node → Scale it with Item Rarity to give Exalted Items sometimes. If this is already the case: Make it more rewarding.

Mono Progress:

Make the bosses drop a timeline-specific item (eg Corrupted Heart of “XXX” or Empowered Corrupted Heart of “XXX”). This item is consumable, maybe tradeable. Using it, adds a small amount of corruption to a specific timeline.
The amount of Corruption depends on actual corruption of the timeline. The higher the corruption the lower the amount. This should be a “catch-up” mechanic for ALT Chars.


Make them equipable. Let me choose from any blessing i already picked as reward and equip them into timeline-exclusvie Blessing Slots.
Make this Account-wide, but Level dependent: eg normal blessings are equipable with lvl 50; empowered with lvl 75.
Give me a not-completely-RNG way in upgrading unlocked Blessings: When i pick a blessing, i already unlocked, a second time, it adds a random amount to the Bonus.


Add Bonus-EXP, Bonus-Gold, Bonus-Dropchance for “XXX” as Affix Shards.
These Shards should be a rare Reward (maybe from Bosses).
These Affixes shouldn’t spawn otherwise on Items.


Add a Glyph that protects T6/T7 Affixes from removing, maybe also from changing them in other ways (refining).
Eventually, this could be only an increased chance, to remove lower tiers instead of higher tiers.

Removing unwanted T5 would still be difficult and comes with the cost of Forging Potential (no Hope Glyph usable)

All these little things would most likely enhance my personal experience with LE. Of course not inevitably the playing experience of everyone.
English is not my first language… sorry if it’s not written very well. I hope it’s at least understandable :slight_smile:


Now do a small list of long improvements :slight_smile:
Seriously though, well done a well thought out and intelligent list of suggestions!

That kinda happens in a bit of a roundabout way. When you kill the quest echo boss on empowered you get 1 Gaze of Orobyss, killing the shade will consume all your Gazes & give you more corruption. Your lower corruption timelines gain more corruption when you kill a Shade based on your highest corruption timeline.

Just want to make sure we are clear that this is something we have very specifically decided not to do. We do not ever want to put a player in the position where they are picking between these types of rewards and power. They can go into pools where they are all together and power is not an option like blessings. But it is very carefully done so that the timelines which have these types of rewards don’t have any character power rewards.

This is a very hard rule that would require monumental shifts to be even remotely considered.


Yes i know and my first thought was to make Gaze of Orobyss a droppable item, but i didn’t liked the idea. So i tried to find a workaround. The message however is, that there should be a way to share some of your progress with Alt-Chars. Not an easy problem to solve from a game design point of perspective i guess, but needed imo.

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