100% did not fix rubberbanding

Rubberbanding with teleports is almost as bad as it was - it’s definitely not fixed (some of it may be server lag - but we’re definitely hitting invisible walls, being sometimes unable to move when zoning, and then rubber banding back after teleport (with mage for sure; bear’s charge is better - but seems to get worse the longer you play…)

We haven’t deployed a fix for Teleport or similar issues yet, we’re still investigating it.

Could you describe the Teleport issue in detail? For example do you rubberband back to your pre-Teleport position after casting Teleport, or does your character’s position appear to become desynced after Teleporting, resulting in abilities like Fireball casting from a position other than where your character appears to be?
Does it only occur when you’re in a party? And does it occur in low intensity scenarios, i.e. even when not in combat and not experiencing any other latency issues?

Hi Justin -

First, oh my bad - i thought 0.9l said it did include the rubberbanding - sorry about that.

As for the details: I usually play in a party, so that’s where I see it the most; but I have seen it in single player (though not as much) - it also seemed to get worse the longer we played (like a memory leak).

I’m going to use “feet” just to describe the distance, but of course it’s not feet per say - the reason I say it this way is because it would have me go forward x distance, but then I’d go back 80% of that (ie. past where I started, but not that far…) :slight_smile:

For instance, I was playing my mage and I would teleport 10 feet forward, and then instantly rubber band back to my starting position (or very close to it) - sometimes I would teleport forward 10 ft, and go back like 8 feet (not my original spot; but it was closer to where I was before I dropped back…)

There was also a new “behavior” last night: I would teleport 10 feet forward - stay there a moment, and as I was casting fireball - I would see them coming from where I was; as soon as I moved - I’d instantly teleport back to where I saw the fireballs launching… At one point when this happened, I stood there for seriously like 5 minutes and asked my friend where he saw me (and it was back at where I saw the fireballs coming from) - but, I could pick up items (not gold strangely). After I rubberbanded back; I could pick up the gold…

On my bear (which was single player), I would charge North - charge South - charge back North again but it would show me facing NW (but charge North) - then I might suddenly jump as if I had gone NW when I charged (like rubberbanding) and then when I charged again, I would be charging one direction (S), but facing another (North for instance; so I looked like I was running backwards)

But yes, the one thing I have noticed when this happens: The longer a session goes, the worse it gets. We started playing at 9pm PST; by 10 it was starting to get noticeable and then by midnight, it was so bad I couldn’t even use the skill anymore…

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