[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

No that is not intended and i honestly don’t know how this happend.

I just checked all other classes and daggers were not in any of the show weapon rules.
This was deinitely not the case a few versions ago, i don’t know when this mistake happend to me or if this is a conversion error, when we transitioned from patch 081 to 082.

I fixed all weapon rule for all classes now to show daggers and for rogue it will shows daggers and bows

v2.2 (26.05.21)

  • Fixed all show weapon rules to show daggers for all calsses and daggers and bows for rogue
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Thank you!
Edit: Sorry am I doing something wrong?? I dled your 2.2 and now all weapons are shown (Staffs, axes etc)

Awesome work Heavy!

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I am not sure what you mean.

My Loot Filter is not hiding anything by default, except very low level base types.

So you will see Staves and Axes and all other weapons.

I do have a section in my OP, how you can quickly make my filter more strict by hiding specific base types you don’t want to use at all.

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Just a suggestion, but why don’t you put in placeholder filters (unchecked by default) for the build specific filters like you did for the recolors? They would be largely blank filters, except for maybe some basic helpful options and colors, but they would be located in the right place on the list, ready to set up.

Maybe one each for:
Hiding specific weapon/armor types
Hiding specific idols
Hiding undesired rarities
Showing desired offensive affixes
Showing desired defensive affixes
Showing desired idol affixes

Not sure all those would be workable, but you get the idea. By having those as placeholders in the correct order on the filter list, players (especially new players) could be confident they are not unintentionally hiding stuff by accident. It would also let them visualize the whole process a bit easier.

It would help players set up optional build specific filters when they are ready to, similar to how I set mine up several posts above, but in a more streamlined and correct way.

I really do like your suggestion.

I will experiment a little bit and see if i can settle on something.
The only fear i have, is to make the whole loot filter unnecessary overloaded.

But if i would want to do this, i would want to make it very detailed.

If i am going to do something like this, i would maybe do a seperate version for each class, like an “advanced pre setup filter”

But this will be very hard to do properly.

Loot filters in LE need to be so build specific, that it’s very hard to come up with a universal solution.

Thanks for your input anyway!

Heavy, is there a way you can update the loot filters to highlight the new ring types, or is that too much work? I like the style of your filters over others I used, and made myself. Thank you for your contributions.

i think it can be achieved fairly simply without overcomplicating it for new users.

you can set up a hide rule and edit the title to tell users to open it and select the item types they want to hide, and a simple recolor rule to highlight the most important affixes for the build, again with the title edited to tell the user what the rule is for. place these rules at the top (below show set/unique/exalted rule by default) and turned off by default.

setting up a filter for BiS items that match exactly the affixes you want would be hard to do in a generic way that would be easy to set up in advance, though. that one might just have to be up to players to do for themselves, so a section in the OP explaining how to do it would probably be very helpful.

You just want to have a specific rule highlighting all the new ring types? Regardless of what affixes they have?

Not sure i would want to implement that in my loot filter generally, but i could give you a template of what such rule would look like and you could replicate that, if you want.

Yes i already have some ideas, but my worry is, that it just makes the filter overly complicated.

And people that already have enough experience to setup up their loot filter more specifically will most likely not use my filter anyway.

Yeah, I understand what you are saying about it possibly being over complicated for new players. Maybe having two versions like you suggested would work best. What if you have a simpler version similar to the ones now that are for leveling, and a more complicated version for end game?

The new filters I’m suggesting don’t have to be very build specific, that would still be up to the player exactly what affixes they want to enable, etc. I’m just suggesting simple filters with proper names, ordering, and colors to help people figure out where to put that kind of stuff. I’m thinking more along the lines of a template than anything very build specific.

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That would work.

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v2.3 (28.05.21)

  • Added all class specific gear affixes to the “Recolor all items with total affix tier of 15 or higher” rule

New to the game and currently going through leveling. I’m using the mage filter and there is still a whole lot showing…is there a reason to not hide magic rarity items like what is done for normal items? I feel like there’s enough Rare+ that drop that I wouldn’t be gear starved, but wanted to be sure I’m not missing something important that isn’t clear yet.

A few reasons, affixes aren’t limited to an type(common, magic, rare), so if you just hid all magic rarity drops, you might miss out on a magic item that is +X to Skill that could be very valuable to you (or any other affix for that matter). Additionally, often a well rolled magic item is a great base for crafting, getting to valuable affixes on is more likely to happen than getting 3 or 4 valuable affixes on a dropped item. I’m sure there are more than this… but these are a few.


the crafting is a great point…I’m still used to the game that shall not be named and non-deterministic crafting.

So yeah @washa3 already answerd the question basically.

But just to put it into different words:

The rarity in LE does not necessarily state how good an item is in LE.
Since even a Magic Item can be up to Tier 10 and since open affix slots are better than undesired affixes that you need to remove with a rune of removal and pray to RNGesus, magic items are still very much the best crafting bases.

A rare item could theoretically “only” be Tier 4, 4x T1 affixes.

They did some changes in 082, to make rare items with already alot of desired affixes alot better, but magic items are still very much worth it.

The problem with my loot filter overall is, that it is not build specific.

If my loot filter is not strict enough for you, i do have a section in the OP with a few simple step to make it mroe strict.
Main way to do that usually is to hide base types that you have absolutely no interest in using (like certain weapon types or specific relic base types for example)

If you put those hide rules below some of the rare affix recolors, you can still see those affixes for shattering, but don’t see it on desired item bases.

The Pastebin for the Mage class loot filter is no longer working. Pastebin decided it was harmful:
This paste has been deemed potentially harmful. Pastebin took the necessary steps to prevent access on June 24, 2021, 10:53 pm CDT. If you feel this is an incorrect assessment, please contact us within 14 days to avoid any permanent loss of content.

Any chance you could re-upload?

Thanks for letting me know, i didn’t even got informed that this happened.

I did request at pastebin to recover that pastebin.

Here is an alternative pastebin for the same content: Heavy’z CLF Mage 082 v2.3 (backup) - Pastebin.com

For some reason we have a Forum Restriction again, that prevents me to edit my OP.

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