[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

I tried to use your loot filters twice and I had the same problem twice:

  • I see almost no loot with the filter activated
  • I cant disable the filter
  • If I chose another filter or “no filter”, I still can’t see any loot
  • To fix the issue I have to set to no filter, then quit the game (quit to desktop) then restart
    I install the filter by opening it in Notepad, copying the whole content then create the filter from clipboard contents.
    Nothing shows the problem comes from your filters, it may come from the clipboard import or it may be a bug in the game, but I think it may be interesting to share and see if other players have similar issues. I did not try to download any other filters than yours (yours seem to be top notch) but the ones I created work fine.

Hm sounds strange.

Did you try pressing [X] or [Z] whne this issue occurs?

With [X] you can temporerily disable the loot filter (when holding it down)
And with [Z] you can toggle on/off Item Labels on the Ground.

I tried the toggle and it changed nothing. I’ll test again later, but I’ll create the filter another way, probably by importing a file instead of copying the content.

So did you tried my pastebin AND xml files?

We just had some1 yesterday having issues importing a filter via xml file. Maybe the file was corrupted, i don’t know.

Definitely keep me updated about your progress.

I just tried by copying the XML file in the loot filter folder and it seems to work fine.
So apparently, it’s the “create from clipboard” feature that has a problem.

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i just quickly testet the CLF Mage filter from pastebin and its working.
@Shtrak which filter did you use?

Same problem happened to me too today. I don’t know the reason. Maybe ALT+TAB’ing caused it. TO temporarily show all loot I had to disable filter then drop any item from my inventory on ground then toggle x. Weird bug.

After restarting LE all is working fine again.

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First time it was the Rogue, second time the Acolyte.
When it worked yesterday, it was also the Acolyte.

Hope you don’t mind a little assistance. I downloaded your filters before and they worked fine, just put the .xml files in the Filter folder for LE. I just got a new PC and did the same thing but LE isn’t picking up the filters. Any idea why?

Hm, tbh i don’t know.

Did you try and use the pastebin method, via clipboard?

Yeah, and the filter doesn’t recognize anything in the clipboard. This is the first time I’ve tried that method so maybe I’m messing it up.

You did copy the raw pastebin text into your clipboard?

Just to make sure:

Click raw on the pastebin page

Uses Ctrl + A to select everything

Now this is the content that you need to paste into your Loot Filter Ingame.

Yeah, still doesn’t recognize anything in the clipboard. I think one of my problems is that my xml Handler doesn’t seem to be working properly for some reason.

Hm, sounds like you should do a report on the bug report section.

Maybe it’s your OS, maybe it’s LE, dunno.

Yeah, I probably will as soon as I feel I have enough info. Funny thing, both were Windows 10 and same version of Office suite and everything. Just upgraded hardware.

Thanks for the assist.

OK just set this up for mage. Not sure that it’s working I am still seeing “normal” items. Anyone know why this is happening?

My filter starts to hide normal items at lvl 15 and higher, since that’s the point where from my experience you have at least an item equipped in each slot.

Ah OK thx. I have many early uniques that I equip right away so not an issue. In any event this toon is level 14 so not long to go. Oh and thx for the quick reply :grin:

No problem.

Feel free to edit some rules to your liking.

You can easily just remove the tick in the “Level dependancy” Box on the Hide Normal Items Rule. This way this rule is active all the time.

Change it to:
%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Filters
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Filters

And people will have a better time finding the folder. :slight_smile: