[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

v1.8 (12.12.2020)

  • Adjusted the “Hide All Weapons” Rule, to take new Item Base Types (Bows, Quivers & Daggers) into account, which led to low level items of that base still to be shown.

Thanks so much for the explanation Heavy, Back at the computer for the night so Im gunna try those things.

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Thanks, perfect going to apply now :smiley:

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Excellent! This will help out a tremendous amount. Thank you!

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He this is great mate, thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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Development team, please sticky this to the Forum home page…

Heavy’z, thank you for the dedication and effort.

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I am sure, if i would ask Sarno would give me a Sticky, BUT we i already had some similar thing going with another community project of mine.

While a sticky can lead to more visibility, alot of people might skip the stickies within a Forums Section.
Thank you for kind word.

The best thing you can do, to help me get more visiblity, is recommending my Loot Filter.
I did create a tinyurl link, which is relatively easy to memorize and you can promote my loot filter if you see someone asking.

([0.8.5f] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v2.8 - General - Last Epoch Forums)

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For some reason i cannot edit my OP anymore.

I wanted to update Title and Links to signal the Filter is working and ready for 0.8d, since nothing changed.

Will try to update asap, when it works again.

Hey man, just got your filter to check it out. I noticed that the rule(this is about primalist filter) “recolor all class-specific gear affixes for alts” the classes selected are acolyte, mage, primalist, sentinel and rogue is unchecked. Shouldn’t it be that primalist is unchecked and rogue is checked for this? Primalist gear is already recolored by an above rule which overrides this one.

Edit: Same thing for “Class Specific Idol Affixes (For Alts)” rogue is unchecked.
Edit2: “Recolor All Tier +4 Gear Affixes ( For Shattering )” should update to include bows there.

– Ackoobs

Yeah, you are right, i forgot to adjust this part of the filter with the release of rogue. And include the new bow affixes.

I know that the class specific affix rules override the ruels for alts, that’s on purpose.
Since collecting Class-Specific Shards is always worthwhile. In case you disable the class-specific rule for your current class, those rules would still recolor.

I will update it asap. Thanks for pointing it out.

v1.9 (18.12.2020)

  • Adjusted optional rules for Alt’s + Shattering to include Rogue and Bow Affixes. Thanks to @kenneth.kalmann for pointing out that flaw
  • Adjusted acolyte affixes to include the new “Chance To Cast Marrow Shards When You Cast Transplant” Affix

I upload the new files here, since i cannot edit my OP currently, due to some forum bug. Pastebin links are still the same, since i can edit the pastebin and the links are the same.

Heavy’z CLF Mage 08d v1.9.xml (36.5 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Acolyte 08d v1.9.xml (36.5 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Primalist 08d v1.9.xml (38.2 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Sentinel 08d v1.9.xml (37.2 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Rogue 08d v1.9.xml (41.0 KB)

The rule orders really trip me up, for my personal filter I wanted to add some recolor rules to recolor T4 and above affixes of the gear It should only show, I have specific gear and weapons that show up but as soon as I add the recolor rule, every piece of gear with T4+ affix gets now shown, which is odd. Since it shouldn’t do that. Any ideas? I tried adding the recolor rule above and below the show gear rules but it functions the same way.

I’m guessing I need a hide rule that hides everything except my stuff below my gear rules and above the color rule?

It’s really hard to digest loot filters from a description.

I have an idea, but best thing would be to send me your filter and i can give you my thoughts.

For individual loot filter trouble shooting i suggest you dm me here in the forum or contact me via dm on discord in case you use that (Heavy#0351)

I actually realized the solution, thanks for the offer. I’ll maybe make use of it later! GL

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As always, hat off for the work you do, @Heavy

A suggestion: this thread has become quite popular and active, which is good. I suggest you link to your other forum post on how to build your own filter (which I believe is superior to simply copying yours). Perhaps refer to the other post saying this is how you can further customize the filters you have in this thread?

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I already thought about that a few times.

Initially my target with both of those thing was to reach different groups of people, but i suspect there is quiet some overlap of people actually interested in both things.

Sadly, since the new forum restriction, we cannot edit posts that are too old currently.
I hope when the devs return from holiday they might change that restriction for certain threads that need maintenance like this one.

Once that is a thing i will put a link to my guide in there.

Thanks for the kind words and feedback!

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I was not aware of the restriction on the forums, my apologies for suggesting it, then!

You don’t need to apologies for that, your suggestion was very good. And the new restricitons are fairly new.

So we all need to adapt a little bit. But i don’t want to bother to much putting valuable information in posts below the main thread, since i feel like many people will not bother reading through all the posts anyway. And i most definitely will not create dozens of threads.

So we just have to wait and see what the feedback from the devs will be on that topic.

I agree, adding new information to newer posts will just bury them in information, and no one will find them. We will just wait this one out.

I’ve got a question, as a beginner: do I see other classes uniques? I’m playing Rogue and only see Rogue ones. Is it a game thing or because of the filter?