[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

thanks for the post, I ll try out your filter. Im looking for the most generic filter possible, as Im starting the game I afraid of missing important affixes for my alts someday, or miss important affixes that I can remove to use as shards in other important items.

Im really lost in this point, because im starting to be annoyed to looking every single drop (too much of them) but I also dont know what should I filter to not miss some average to good itens for starters ).
Any suggestions?

Right now I make only 1 rule do hide normal items (whites) :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome to the LE Community.

What you describe is literally exactly what I designed this filter for.
And if you want to collect rare affixes for future alts, those functions are also included in my filter.

I highly recommend reading through my entire OP (especially the optional features, that you manually need to activate)

Some general guidlines:

  • Class Specific Affixes are rarer then regular affixes
  • The higher the tier of an affix the more shards you can get out of shattering or removing affixes
  • Make also use of Runes of Removal(these will give you affix shards equal to the tier of the affix guaranteed), but you can only use them on items with forging potential left.
  • Runes of Shattering can be used on items without any remaining forging potential.

Regarding missing out good items for starters I wouldn’t worry too much, as long as you collect enough shards.
Most of the very good items will be crafted and not dropped anyway.

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thanks , I tried your filter yesterday and its great, very intuitive. I think your rule for recolor "all items with total affix tier of >=15 is missing the advanced option checked in the rogue filter.
I edited it myself and lowered it to 12. Newbie question, this means it shows in the color selected if I sum the tier of the affixes and its 12 or more, correct ?
like it has 4 tier 3 affixes and it meets the rule, and I will see it.
I think total tier of 15 is kind of redundant, because for the sum to be 15 one of the affixes will have to be tier 4 or more, and we already have a rule for this case. Even if we want different collors for each case, the rule for 1 affix tier 4 will prevail as it is up.

Good catch, I will correct that asap.

Yes that is correct and it is important that only the sum of all selected affixes counts.
But because this rule literally selected every affix, this means any combination of affixes that sum up to 12 or higher will be filtered.

if you create simialr rules with only specific affixes selected and you have an item with 3xT3 of selected affixes and 1xT3 of another affix not selected affix, this rule would not filter the item. Because the sum of all selected affixes is only 9.


They are not redundant, since they are for different things.

The >=15 rule is for all affixes across the board while the >=4 of an individual affix is only for standard affixes, no class specific ones.

Yes and no, because the Tier 4 affix rule does not inherent class-specific affixes

v2.8b (04.11.22) (Rogue only)

  • Fixed the “Recolor All Items with Total Affix Tier of >=15” rule for the Rogue Version of the filter to have advanced options with the correct values.
    Thanks @eliel77 for pointing this out
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Changed Thread Title and Loot Filters names to indicate to potentially new players, that these are up to date and functional in the MP Open Beta Weekend!

:warning: No adjustments were made, so if you had the most recent 0.8.5f version you don’t need to update your loot filters!

Have fun everybody in the open beta weekend starting tomorrow!

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Hey Heavy, thanks for these lootfilters that you have put in so much work over the years, its fantastic help when levelling!

Do you have any recommendation how to handle playing with a friend and wanting notable stuff for their class to show up on the floor as well?

Say I am a Sentinel and they are a Primalist.

Would it be better to use the optional ALT rules, or modify the base hiding rule somehow?

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It probably depends how strict you want the filter to be and how ok you are to check a lot of items just in case they could be good for your friend.

  • If you don’t want to show to many items just checking the “ALT rules” would be sufficients and already show loads of good and more rare items. Your friend could either use them directly or shatter them for affix shards

  • If you are ok with having a lot more items on the ground you should do two things:
    Uncheck the “Hide all Class-specific items”

    And add affixes that are also interesting to your friend to the “Recolor Choose Affixes Your Build needs” Rule at the very bottom


Perfect, thanks for the prompt reply.

I will probs do the less strict one to start with and then narrow it down from there.

and just hide stuff for classes that neither of us are playing.

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Legend, was about to jump on and make a filter that would be able to easily show all of my desired build stats + those for my wife, saved me a lot of time

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Thank you for creating this and taking the time to explain it. I’ll start off with a few filters and grow from there.

Thanks Heavy!

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Thank you for supplying a base for item filters! It has been very helpful and your guide is real easy to follow also.

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@Heavy Thanks for sharing your loot filter. I’m not too familiar with these and wanted to use one to get started. I had a question about the mage filter for 0.9. I was testing it out for lvling and noticed I was missing some items that should be showing for me around my character level. For the hide ILVL lines, should those be <= (less than) not >= (greater than)?

I checked the sentinel filter to compare and it’s different.

Could you advise on which is correct? Thanks again for your help.

Hey there Rivien, you actually spotted a major mistake in the mage filter.
I just double checked and only the mage filter had this mistake.

I really don’t know how this happens, because I usually do sanity checks after every major adjustment of my filters.
But I am glad yo uspotted it, thank you very much.

I will fix that tomorrow and post an update about it.
I wanted to update this thread before 0.9 Launch anyway.


v2.9 (07.03.23) (Mage only)

  • Fixed Hide ruels for low and mid level weapon base types that had the wrong iLVL condition. (>= instead of <=)
    Thanks to @Rivien for pointing this out!

For everyone interested, I will adjust my loot filter to accommodate for the new affixes and helmet/body armour base types as soon as possible.
You can expect the new updated version of my filter to drop wtihin the first 30 to 60 minutes after the patch is live.

I will stream this live on twitch as soon as the patch drops!

If you are interested in watching or asking any questions about it, feel free to stop by!
Will probably go live 30-60 minutes before the patch drops (So 10am CT / 5pm CET)


Thanks for the verification and the updated mage loot filter. Glad I was able to help.

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Multiplayer Patch 0.9.0 Update & Ready to go!

v3 (09.03.23) MP Patch

  • Adjusted Rules for Shattering to accommodate for new Area/Cooldown Affixes
  • Removed recoloring of Relics (they are still shown, just not colored)
  • Adjusted Helmet/Body Armour Base Type hiding rules to accommodate for the new item base types
  • Removed recoloring of Bows, Quivers + Daggers for Rogue

Thank you for these!

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EDIT: ok they just show up in the drop down list, so all good :slight_smile: Weird that they give an option to navigate to the folder itself in game.

Again ty for the loot filters