[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

Did you tried my filters for different classes as well? I jsut want to figure out if the Mage Filter in particular causes the issue for you

Just tried Sentinel one . Got same error .


Tried all the possible filters .

I think i might have to reinstall the game. Something wrong is going on :slight_smile:

This is definitely a bug or an issues caused by some things we are not aware of.

Are you using the Windows version of LE?

I wonder how many other people have the same issue, because nobody other than you reported it, but now I am worried that my filters didn’t work for some people.

If we can’t solve this we should definitely open a #bug-reports

Reinstalling the game fixed the problem for me.
I’m using Windows 10.
Hope it’s a problem on my end , since nobody else reported the same problem.

Thank you for the filter , and have a nice day!

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Thank you for reporting back!

Glad you could solve the issue

For my friend and I, comes up with the same error in the chat window, although it does change the color of some items still, so it’s doing something at least, but i can see white hatchets etc. still appear on the ground, doesn’t appear to be hiding anything on my necromancer level 20

Hello Zodin,
thank your for your feedback.

I am not sure if you are experiencing the same issue as Nevermindy. Only thing I could recommend here would be steam file verification or completely reinstalling the same (you can save your characters)

The filter definitely doesn’t work properly, since with lvl 15+ all normal(white) items should be hidden.

My greatest worry here is, that this is a wide spread issue and I will be unable to find the cause of it. :unamused:

Yeah something seems to be broken! - I have verified my steam files too but no go. I am surely not doing something wrong hey? I just copy and paste the pastebin content into the import loot filter section of the game?
It comes up with the name of the filter and everything, but when I look at my chat box it says loot filter didn’t load correctly or something.

Will this loot filter work for 0.8.5f?

Hello Nooxy, absolutely, I just don’t update the filter if there are no item changes.

Even if there are item changes loot filters were always compatible with older versions.

I am confused on how to get this in my game, maybe im a dunce dummy dumb but I am confused

below the links to the filters there is a paragraph about how to import them to the game

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As @wast3d pointed out, there is an explanation at the end of the post

Not sure if this is working for me either. I am loading the mage filter and not seeing any real changes to loot drops. Still seeing shields, daggers etc. I did have that “Could not load the selected filter!” error but I re-installed the game. Other filters work fine but aren’t as robust as yours. Any help? I’ve tried both install methods via pastebin and .xml file in the directory mentioned in the comments.

Hello @g0ld3nz and welcome to the LE community.

My filter is as generic as possible, because it is not build specific.

The examples you stated are things that can still be used on a Mage, even though they are slightly off-theme for Mage.

Are things like Shields and daggers showing the only concern?
Or is there more things not working?

I highly recommend reading through my entire first post, as I explain several things what the filter is exactly doing and what you can do, to fine tune it to your needs (e.g. hiding certain weapon types etc.)

Hi Everyone! (Read if the filters are ‘not working’ for you) Maybe this is the reason…

First at all, thanks @Heavy for this work. This is a very hard work done that save us a lot of time! :hearts:

My character (primalist) is level 4 and I wanted to test the filter loot, but the filter was ‘not working’. I wanted to hide normal items and they were showing as always.

I even duplicate it, modified it… etc

Then, I found that there is a rule in the filter that depends of the character level in the Hide all normal items:


Just change the 15 (bottom-left corner, in a red circle) to the desire level or uncheck the checkbox Character level dependency and it will works perfectly.

in my case, just to test it, I changed to 0, so normal items will hide from level 0 to 100 (always).
I will leave it at 15 so I can get normal items until that level!

Hope it helps to others!

PD: Sorry for my english :slight_smile:

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For anyone getting the clipboard error there seems to be an issue in 0.8.5F with pastebin importing. I was able to import a filter at the main menu (which didn’t work ingame because it was too old) but I couldn’t import ingame. I was able to download the XML files and instantly use them, although it hung the UI for a good while despite the game remaining responsive.

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Thanks for the feedback.

I will try and update the loot filter and update the pastebin and xml files for loot filter with the current 0.8.5f version

I never had issues in the past with not updating loot filters for several hot fixes, especially when there were no changes to items.

Once I am home from work I will update everything and post an update.

I updated all loot filter pastebins and xml files to loot filters that have been edited in a Version 0.8.5f Client.

No content changed, just the most recent edit is in 0.8.5f instead of 0.8.5b

If anybody is reaing this, I would highly appreciate any kind of feedback, if those new filters work for you or if you get any kind of issues importing them!

That seems helpful. Thanks. Gonna test it out today

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