[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

Yes, loot filters are executed from the TOP to the BOTTOM, in order, and STOP when a rule is triggered (doesn’t execute rules below the one which triggered).

Yes the order of rules is very important.

The game does also tell you that:
I would also suggest checking out my basic guide about loot filters, in the very first paragraphs i do explain it by an example, that actually has a huge impact by just swapping 2 rules.

It depends, generally class-specific affixes are a lot more rare than regular affixes, so having my class specific recolor rule enabled would already help with collecting those more rare affixes for other classes already.

Other than class-specific affixes on body armour, helmet and relics (and also rogue exclusive bows & quivers) all classes share the same affix pools.
So if you enable my recolour rule for every affixes of Tier >=4 or total affix tier count of >=15 yo uwill passively collect alot of stuff that will be usefull for all kidns of builds and classes.

Thanks for taking the time to post that and explain it for me and the link to that guide .I didn’t know it was there.

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As a heads up, once the patch goes live, I will tweak my loot filter for the new changes live on stream and upload it asap here.

In case you want to check it out:

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v2.4 (03.09.21)

  • Adjusted Weapon Show Rules to better match new weapon base types (There are more endgame viable base types in every weapon category that already has been overhauled

  • Added a "Choose affixes your build needs rule at the very bottom, that needs to be manually activated and adjusted


Yo thanks a lot for the quick update of the loot filters! Great Job man!

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Bumping the thread for the best starting base for loot filters. Couldn’t find it, messaged Heavy and he pointed me here.

EHG really needs a separate section for Community resources.


v2.4a (09.09.21) (Sentinel Only)

  • Added new sentinel class-specific affixes

good job
thanks for the filter :slight_smile:

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Hell everybody,

I did not use this thread a long time, but I wanted to give you some heads-up.

I am planning to do the update of my filter live on stream, when the Patch 0.8.4 drops on Friday, before starting my “regular” streaming content.
This way, I can get an updated version asap to you guys, while also not skipping or delaying my stream.

In case you are interested in watching that process, feel free to tune in and watch or ask questions, if you would like.

Depending on when the patch actually drops or if we will get an exact time, I will give you guys an update here.

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My loot filter is slightly adjusted for the new patch.

Please be aware that the new skill affixes are still missing in the loot filter.

v2.5 (10.12.21)

  • Added new optional feature for recolouring exalted affixes and uniques base types
  • Hide starter class relics at high level

NOTE New Class Specific Affixes for Primalist and Rogue (Upheaval + Umbral Blades) are still missing in the loot filter. I will add them asap, once they get implemented.

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Thanks for sharing this!

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These are fantastic - thanks!

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Welcome ot the LE Forum!

I am always glad to provide something useful for the community!

Thank you for the kind words!

Why i see this when im plying rogue?

How i can hide such weapon?

Ok i found it, it is highest usable base.

First and foremost: Hello and welcome to the LE Community!

My Loot Filter does not hide any specific weapons types based on class, since they it’s very deliberately non-build specific.

I don’t want to make my loot filter build specific and as generic as possible.
I do have some quick instructions, how to make the loot filter more strict based on your desires:

Just follow these steps, if you don’t wanna see Staves for example.

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This confused me too. Why create class specific loot filters and then not filter out other class loot… IMO you should do it the other way around and in your instructions say “remove hiding weapons for other classes if you want to see that loot”.

We should have some website like FilterBlade for PoE to test our filters. Just to be sure we don’t exclude important stuff :slight_smile:

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