1.0 Season(cycle) start date?

Has EHG mentioned anything about when the 1st season(cycle) will begin for 1.0? Will it be with release or are they planning on holding it back a week or 2 in the event of possible catastrophic bugs?

Just trying to plan my PTO accordingly for the real season start. Thanks!

This should be currently everything discussed about cycles.

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Start on February 21st with the start of 1.0

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Silly question: why?
I know a lot of people are planning some kind of marathon at season start, but I don’t really see the point. No offense, just curious…
In PoE, what they call ladder is just your level. Meaning everybody on it will soon be level 100, and if you want your name to show, you have to reach that really fast. That makes sense.
But in LE ladders are based on wave reached in arena. Even if I take one full week off work at season start, the full-timers will have caught up with me within one month when I go back to work.
What’s the point?

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I can’t speak for the OP.

But for me having a pre-planned time frame were you can play a couple of days non stop, with some prepared food, all adult things dealt with in advanced or outsourced them and just sitting down and play non stop to go with the hype of a new update feels very different compared to your regular few hours playtime that you can do in the evening.

Even more special, when it’s a game that you can play with your buddies and everyone tries to plan it that way.

For me especially LE was a little bit weird the last couple of months. I just streamed 2 sessions on Saturday and Sunday testing some last build that I forgot I wanted to try, but I have not played LE at all for months prior. Not because I don’t like the game anymore, but because I have played all builds that interests me to a degree that I wanted to stop before burning out on them.

So I also planned 2 1/2 weeks of vacation for LE release, just to get full steam ahead again. Especially since I am also streaming those longer play sessions that I can do when you have not go to work are just very different compared to my regular daily gaming routine.

TLDR It is not about achieving something, but rather riding the hype wave and enjoying it to its fullest

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For me it’s nothing to do with racing to 100 or the highest arena wave.

Simply enjoying the game on day 1 release and experiencing it at the same time as others. LE is about to have the most exposure it’s ever had to the world. It’s fun to take part in that as a person who’s been in the community for awhile.

Gives me the old D2 ladder reset vibes.

And since we will now have Merchants Guild as an option for a player driven economy(I will be going MG), it’s another added layer of wanting to make your character as good as possible as fast as you can. I’ve always enjoyed getting uber rare drops early and playing the economy for some sick buys/trades.